To anyone who will listen: I would think that after this morning's events in Gaza - the breaking of the humanitarian cease fire by Hamas an hour after it started and the kidnapping of an IDF soldier - at least some can start to appreciate the fundamental lesson to be learned here: the great (humanitarian) need to be extremely intolerant of anyone or any people who commit acts of aggression not in clear self defense - i.e. who start wars by forcing peaceful nations to defend their citizens.
Generally, most Western nations understand this concept instinctively - we are ever ready to demand that our leaders draw that bright red line when it comes to our own need for safety. The US and the UK have invaded two large countries thousands of miles from our borders simply because there are people there who intend to do us harm and who have succeeded in indirectly perpetrating mostly small scale terrorist attacks (and a very few major ones) against our citizens. For that we have killed hundred of thousands of their civilians in our attacks against their terrorists and infrastructure.
Yet, when it comes to Israel we expect them to tolerate thousands of direct attacks over many years - and to just suck it up. The lesson we must learn from this: It is very very dangerous to ever allow acts of aggression against civilians to go unanswered. Such despicable acts need a swift and overwhelming response by the world community - whenever and wherever they occur. Those who would attack civilians are cowards and moral criminals of the worst kind. They need to know that they will die if they attack innocent people. There should be no doubt in their mind.
Now, we will see the results of our myopic - some would justifiably say antisemitic policy - towards terror attacks against Israel that has been the accepted international norm since 1947-48. Thousands more civilians are now about to die and suffer terrible injuries as those idiotic policies over decades now of "tolerance for terrorists as long as they are attacking Jews" - come home to roost. Those on the left who have been apologizing for and justifying those Arab attacks against Israel probably will not accept responsibility for this - and will continue to insist that "the Jews are over-reacting" or "it's the occupation" - ignoring what should be obvious to anyone with a brain by now: the occupation is the result of the attacks.
Israel "occupies" because it's the least lethal way they can defend themselves. The difference in civilian casualties between Gaza and the WB should make that crystal clear. But, deny as you will, most of the blood of the dead Palestinian women, children, and yes babies, that will now begin flowing in very much larger rivers - is absolutely on your hands - and mine as well to some extent for not making my voice heard louder and earlier on this basic question of civilizational importance.
A journal of the ongoing deception of the West by Palestinian propagandists and their Western accomplices
Friday, August 1, 2014
Monday, July 28, 2014
Please accept my apologies for failing to move forward on this series of posts. The events of the current flare up of full-on war against Israel by Hamas has consumed too much of my time. I am also realizing that to properly cover the cognitive war of deception being waged against Israel - not just by Palestinians but by many Western governments - would take far more time than I have in my life. Still, I strongly believe that I should speak out. I can not and will not stand by silently while the worst racism and bigotry since the Nazis overran Europe, run rampant in the world - much of it originating from leftists and progressives in my own country, the USA. Please check back in the next few days. I promise a new focus for my efforts that will be relevant and informative. Thanks, Ray Pelland
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Post 4 of the Nakba Day Killings: CNN editing anomalies - and what about the wads?
Update 11/25/2014: Note that I wrote this post several months ago (7/10/2014) but then ran out of time. Also, Operation Protective Edge soon was consuming the news reports. I had not completely finished editing this post so I pulled it down at that time. I am reposting it now since both the IDF and an Arab sponsored group have now accused the person I described as "Real Shooter" several months ago as having committed either "manslaughter" or "murder", respectively.
Note: If you haven't done so yet I recommend reading the posts in this series starting with Post 1. You can find all the posts in reverse order below this one on the page. You can also find each post in the series in the archives at right. The first post provides the basic intro information on the Nakba Day killings of May 15, 2014. This includes a set of notated maps that gives a sense of where this happened and what you'd see around you if you actually were there on that day. It also shows you a way to view videos frame by frame. If you are drawn to be a blog detective this will be a valuable tool and much of the evidence I'll introduce in this series of posts will require frame by frame analysis - especially if you'd like to check my conclusions for yourself.
From the start there was something about that CNN "Smoking Gun" footage that bothered me. It seemed there was almost no time at all from the moment the smoke appeared above "Real Shooter's" muzzle in the playback at RowVid frame 113.85 sec, and the sound of the shot in the playback. From the foreshortening of the image of the IDF personnel on the veranda I reasoned that the distance from the shooter to the CNN camera must be at least some tens of meters. I finally found the time to examine the footage on my video editing software that allows me to view the audio track and compare it with the frame by frame video images.
The "Smoking Gun" Audio Track
Note: The distances from the SHOOTER to CAMERA was corrected from a previous version of this post and reflect my most accurate estimates at this time of 58.7 meters. (July 7, 2014)
First Shot Video / Audio Data
One of the first things that appeared from the audio track was the classic N-shaped wave, characteristic of the sharp "crack" of gunshots. But, there's something in this audio data that's very strange. The shot was fired 58.7 meters from the CNN camera that recorded both video and audio of the shot. It should take the sound of the shot .178 seconds ( 58.7 m / 330 m / sec ) to reach the camera after the shot was fired. But, as can be seen in the Audio Track image above, the audio signature of the recorded shot appears slightly before the video image of the shot is recorded. It is, of course, physically impossible for the sound of a shot to arrive at the camera before the visual image.
Note: I am assuming that the smoke plume from the shot would appear at the same instant (in the same frame) that the sound waves of the shot from the rifle began their travel to the camera microphone. This is because the rapid expansion of gas at the barrel exit is what creates the audio signature of the shot that the camera records on its audio track. The red line in the audio track above marks the frame where that smoke plume first appeared.
The exact moment of the image on the recording is however, only accurate to +/- one frame since we do not know when in the frame the shot occurred. This is the same as +/- .o4 seconds. Therefore the red line could actually be located coincident with the audio spike of the shot. The problem however, remains.
Except for distances of thousands of miles or more, photons, which travel about 300 million meters in one second, will arrive at a camera at virtually the same instant they are emitted. This is certainly true for distances of only a few tens of meters. Sound waves travel at a much slower speed, about 330 m / secs - or almost a million times slower. That means the audio signature of the shot should arrive at the camera microphone - which was about 58.7 meters from the shooter - about .178 seconds after the first frame where the smoke plume appears - certainly not before it - which would violate several laws of nature. A time span of .178 seconds is equivalent to a bit more than four frames of video - each frame being .04 seconds.
I'd expect that the high quality professional CNN video cameras digitize and record the audio and video signals very quickly, possibly less than a millisecond or two. And also that the audio and video tracks would be synchronized during the recording with less error than a millisecond at most. It seems very unlikely that the CNN camera could have caused this four-plus frame discrepancy (.16 to .20 seconds) between the audio and video tracks. I suspect the audio track was shifted forward by about four video frames when the footage was edited - possibly to make the shot appear coincident with the smoke plume, for some reason..
Time shifting aside, there's still something else that seems amiss about the CNN footage which could be an artifact of the time-shifting process. As the camera microphone is recording the background sounds just before the shot, the audio track goes completely blank for 1/3 of a second before the audio of the shot is recorded. For this 1/3 of a second the audio track is wiped clean from all background sounds. If you listen carefully you can hear the voice-over narration stop, then normal background sounds - birds are chirping - then complete silence for 1/3 second, then the shot. I can't help but wonder what sounds may have been recorded and then deleted from the CNN footage during that 1/3 second interval.
But why would CNN tamper with the audio / video at the exact timing of the shot - especially when they are broadcasting this as "proof" to millions of viewers around the world - that the Israel Border Police and / or IDF murdered Nadeem Nuwarah. I welcome anyone's thoughts on this intriguing puzzle.
I am not sure what CNN's motive was for editing the footage in this way. But, since it was apparently manipulated, at the very least I think we deserve an explanation.
Full Scene of the Supposed Crime for reference
Update 11/25/2014: Note that I wrote this post several months ago (7/10/2014) but then ran out of time. Also, Operation Protective Edge soon was consuming the news reports. I had not completely finished editing this post so I pulled it down at the time. I am reposting it now since both the IDF and an Arab group have now accused the person I described several months ago in Post 2 of this series as "Real Shooter" - as having committed either "manslaughter" or "murder", respectively - in the death of Nadeem Nuwarah.
I believe it is curious (and troubling) that neither the IDF nor the Arab group have tried to explain how the CNN video could have recorded the paper wads appearing shortly after the shot was fired if it was indeed a live 5.56 mm NATO round as they are claiming.
(To see the proof of the existence of the paper wads that accompany the Nuwarah shot recorded by CNN - please review post 2 in this series.)
Added 11/26/2014: And also, why he stood up and manually recharged his weapon immediately after the shot, which would not be necessary if he had shot a live NATO 5.56 round. To make this clearer, the M16 rifle is designed so that a live 5.56 NATO round is capable of cycling the ammunition - to automatically eject the spent brass shell and inject the next live round from the magazine into the chamber. Military M16s can therefore selectively fire in either automatic or single shot modes - in both cases without the shooter having to manually clear the chamber or recharge it. This allows the shooter to keep his or her eyes looking down the sights at the target. IDF blank ammo used for rubber coated bullets has a lower energy powder load to minimize injury. These blanks don't have the ability to cycle the ammo. The shooter must do it manually. The CNN footage clearly shows Real Shooter standing up and manually recharging his weapon after firing the shot correlated with Nuwarah's fall. This would only be necessary if he had fired a blank cartridge.
Perhaps there is a reasonable explanation for these events. And of course, if the border policeman did violate orders then he should be dealt with according to Israeli military law. But I believe the world deserves a clear explanation that reveals the truth of what actually happened that day on the veranda above the Beitunia junction.
Note: If you haven't done so yet I recommend reading the posts in this series starting with Post 1. You can find all the posts in reverse order below this one on the page. You can also find each post in the series in the archives at right. The first post provides the basic intro information on the Nakba Day killings of May 15, 2014. This includes a set of notated maps that gives a sense of where this happened and what you'd see around you if you actually were there on that day. It also shows you a way to view videos frame by frame. If you are drawn to be a blog detective this will be a valuable tool and much of the evidence I'll introduce in this series of posts will require frame by frame analysis - especially if you'd like to check my conclusions for yourself.
From the start there was something about that CNN "Smoking Gun" footage that bothered me. It seemed there was almost no time at all from the moment the smoke appeared above "Real Shooter's" muzzle in the playback at RowVid frame 113.85 sec, and the sound of the shot in the playback. From the foreshortening of the image of the IDF personnel on the veranda I reasoned that the distance from the shooter to the CNN camera must be at least some tens of meters. I finally found the time to examine the footage on my video editing software that allows me to view the audio track and compare it with the frame by frame video images.
The "Smoking Gun" Audio Track
Note: The distances from the SHOOTER to CAMERA was corrected from a previous version of this post and reflect my most accurate estimates at this time of 58.7 meters. (July 7, 2014)
First Shot Video / Audio Data
One of the first things that appeared from the audio track was the classic N-shaped wave, characteristic of the sharp "crack" of gunshots. But, there's something in this audio data that's very strange. The shot was fired 58.7 meters from the CNN camera that recorded both video and audio of the shot. It should take the sound of the shot .178 seconds ( 58.7 m / 330 m / sec ) to reach the camera after the shot was fired. But, as can be seen in the Audio Track image above, the audio signature of the recorded shot appears slightly before the video image of the shot is recorded. It is, of course, physically impossible for the sound of a shot to arrive at the camera before the visual image.
Note: I am assuming that the smoke plume from the shot would appear at the same instant (in the same frame) that the sound waves of the shot from the rifle began their travel to the camera microphone. This is because the rapid expansion of gas at the barrel exit is what creates the audio signature of the shot that the camera records on its audio track. The red line in the audio track above marks the frame where that smoke plume first appeared.
The exact moment of the image on the recording is however, only accurate to +/- one frame since we do not know when in the frame the shot occurred. This is the same as +/- .o4 seconds. Therefore the red line could actually be located coincident with the audio spike of the shot. The problem however, remains.
Except for distances of thousands of miles or more, photons, which travel about 300 million meters in one second, will arrive at a camera at virtually the same instant they are emitted. This is certainly true for distances of only a few tens of meters. Sound waves travel at a much slower speed, about 330 m / secs - or almost a million times slower. That means the audio signature of the shot should arrive at the camera microphone - which was about 58.7 meters from the shooter - about .178 seconds after the first frame where the smoke plume appears - certainly not before it - which would violate several laws of nature. A time span of .178 seconds is equivalent to a bit more than four frames of video - each frame being .04 seconds.
I'd expect that the high quality professional CNN video cameras digitize and record the audio and video signals very quickly, possibly less than a millisecond or two. And also that the audio and video tracks would be synchronized during the recording with less error than a millisecond at most. It seems very unlikely that the CNN camera could have caused this four-plus frame discrepancy (.16 to .20 seconds) between the audio and video tracks. I suspect the audio track was shifted forward by about four video frames when the footage was edited - possibly to make the shot appear coincident with the smoke plume, for some reason..
Time shifting aside, there's still something else that seems amiss about the CNN footage which could be an artifact of the time-shifting process. As the camera microphone is recording the background sounds just before the shot, the audio track goes completely blank for 1/3 of a second before the audio of the shot is recorded. For this 1/3 of a second the audio track is wiped clean from all background sounds. If you listen carefully you can hear the voice-over narration stop, then normal background sounds - birds are chirping - then complete silence for 1/3 second, then the shot. I can't help but wonder what sounds may have been recorded and then deleted from the CNN footage during that 1/3 second interval.
CNN Camera View Diagram
The only explanation I can imagine that can account for this strange data is that someone in the CNN editing room manipulated the audio and / or video tracks with respect to each other Then, they seem to have erased all the audio that the camera was capturing for almost 1/3 second before the moment of the shot.
But why would CNN tamper with the audio / video at the exact timing of the shot - especially when they are broadcasting this as "proof" to millions of viewers around the world - that the Israel Border Police and / or IDF murdered Nadeem Nuwarah. I welcome anyone's thoughts on this intriguing puzzle.
I am not sure what CNN's motive was for editing the footage in this way. But, since it was apparently manipulated, at the very least I think we deserve an explanation.
Full Scene of the Supposed Crime for reference
Update 11/25/2014: Note that I wrote this post several months ago (7/10/2014) but then ran out of time. Also, Operation Protective Edge soon was consuming the news reports. I had not completely finished editing this post so I pulled it down at the time. I am reposting it now since both the IDF and an Arab group have now accused the person I described several months ago in Post 2 of this series as "Real Shooter" - as having committed either "manslaughter" or "murder", respectively - in the death of Nadeem Nuwarah.
I believe it is curious (and troubling) that neither the IDF nor the Arab group have tried to explain how the CNN video could have recorded the paper wads appearing shortly after the shot was fired if it was indeed a live 5.56 mm NATO round as they are claiming.
(To see the proof of the existence of the paper wads that accompany the Nuwarah shot recorded by CNN - please review post 2 in this series.)
Added 11/26/2014: And also, why he stood up and manually recharged his weapon immediately after the shot, which would not be necessary if he had shot a live NATO 5.56 round. To make this clearer, the M16 rifle is designed so that a live 5.56 NATO round is capable of cycling the ammunition - to automatically eject the spent brass shell and inject the next live round from the magazine into the chamber. Military M16s can therefore selectively fire in either automatic or single shot modes - in both cases without the shooter having to manually clear the chamber or recharge it. This allows the shooter to keep his or her eyes looking down the sights at the target. IDF blank ammo used for rubber coated bullets has a lower energy powder load to minimize injury. These blanks don't have the ability to cycle the ammo. The shooter must do it manually. The CNN footage clearly shows Real Shooter standing up and manually recharging his weapon after firing the shot correlated with Nuwarah's fall. This would only be necessary if he had fired a blank cartridge.
Perhaps there is a reasonable explanation for these events. And of course, if the border policeman did violate orders then he should be dealt with according to Israeli military law. But I believe the world deserves a clear explanation that reveals the truth of what actually happened that day on the veranda above the Beitunia junction.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Post 3 of the Nakba Day Killings: Geometry of the CNN camera angles
Note: If you haven't done so yet I recommend reading the posts in this series starting with Post 1. You can find all the posts in reverse order below this one on the page. You can also find each post in the series in the archives at right. The first post provides the basic intro information on the Nakba Day killings of May 15, 2014. This includes a set of notated maps that gives a sense of where this happened and what you'd see around you if you actually were there on that day. It also shows you a way to view videos frame by frame. If you are drawn to be a blog detective this will be a valuable tool and much of the evidence I'll introduce in this series of posts will require frame by frame analysis - especially if you'd like to check my conclusions for yourself.
Although I did provide some diagrams in the the first two posts, before going further, I felt it was important to provide a best-guess estimate, at this time, of the critical geometry surrounding the events of this day. I believe these diagrams are fairly accurate but until I can get a higher resolution image overhead satellite or aircraft camera image this will have to do. If you know of any source for a better Earth Map view please contact me. Thanks
View 1) Veranda wall view to west (281.1 deg compass angle). Camera focal axis - solid white, camera field of view - solid orange. This view and camera angles represent the screen grab from 1m59s in the CNN "Smoking Gun" footage.This line establishes the first line for triangulation of the CNN camera position on the diagram below. Lens zoom is set for 18.1 deg field of view.
View 2) Nadeem evacuation view to northwest (322.2 deg compass angle). The camera focal axis line can be seen in the diagram below - solid white, camera field of view - solid aqua. This view and camera angles represent the screen grab from 2m13s in the CNN "Smoking Gun" footage.
The white dashed line in View 2 of the diagram below is the line of sight between the two road sign posts as seen above on the footage at 2m13s time. The dashed white line passes from the lens, just along the right side of the double sign post on the concrete block and then just to the left of the large diameter billboard post behind it and then hits near the corner of the 4 Bay Bldg on the diagram below. This line establishes the second line for triangulation of the CNN camera position on the diagram below. Lens zoom is set for 8.8 deg field of view.
Reverse angle view (146 deg compass angle) of the large diameter billboard post nearer the camera and the further back traffic sign that spans both lanes of the divided highway in front of the drive leading up to the veranda. This photo was taken on a different day from the two screen shots above that were taken from the "Smoking Gun" footage of May 15, 2014.
The following diagram encapsulates the data from the three screen shot images above.
The CNN video crew (with Ivan Watson as the on-air personality) seems to have set up their camera in this particular position just in time to observe both Israeli military personnel on the veranda as well as the street out in front of the 6 Bay Building where Nadeem Nuwara would soon appear to fall from gunfire from the veranda - almost immediately after the camera began rolling.
The following diagram overlaid on the Google Earth image of the area shows the CNN camera position and the two main camera angles and fields of view of the "Smoking Gun" footage. Distances between shooter and the CNN camera - and between the shooter and the target are in lime green.
Note: The distances from NADEEM TO SHOOTER and from SHOOTER to CAMERA below have both been corrected from a previous version of this post and reflect my most accurate estimates at this time (July 7, 2014).
Some may wonder why this data is important. I believe there is a wealth of information that can be discovered from a close examination of the still photo, audio and video data that are published online. One obvious value of this data is to compare it with what TV announcers and public officials claim to be the truth in their statements. My next post will use this data to expose possible CNN purposeful deception of the public.
Although I did provide some diagrams in the the first two posts, before going further, I felt it was important to provide a best-guess estimate, at this time, of the critical geometry surrounding the events of this day. I believe these diagrams are fairly accurate but until I can get a higher resolution image overhead satellite or aircraft camera image this will have to do. If you know of any source for a better Earth Map view please contact me. Thanks
CNN Camera Views
View 2) Nadeem evacuation view to northwest (322.2 deg compass angle). The camera focal axis line can be seen in the diagram below - solid white, camera field of view - solid aqua. This view and camera angles represent the screen grab from 2m13s in the CNN "Smoking Gun" footage.
The white dashed line in View 2 of the diagram below is the line of sight between the two road sign posts as seen above on the footage at 2m13s time. The dashed white line passes from the lens, just along the right side of the double sign post on the concrete block and then just to the left of the large diameter billboard post behind it and then hits near the corner of the 4 Bay Bldg on the diagram below. This line establishes the second line for triangulation of the CNN camera position on the diagram below. Lens zoom is set for 8.8 deg field of view.
Reverse angle view (146 deg compass angle) of the large diameter billboard post nearer the camera and the further back traffic sign that spans both lanes of the divided highway in front of the drive leading up to the veranda. This photo was taken on a different day from the two screen shots above that were taken from the "Smoking Gun" footage of May 15, 2014.
CNN Camera View Diagram
The following diagram encapsulates the data from the three screen shot images above.
The CNN video crew (with Ivan Watson as the on-air personality) seems to have set up their camera in this particular position just in time to observe both Israeli military personnel on the veranda as well as the street out in front of the 6 Bay Building where Nadeem Nuwara would soon appear to fall from gunfire from the veranda - almost immediately after the camera began rolling.
The following diagram overlaid on the Google Earth image of the area shows the CNN camera position and the two main camera angles and fields of view of the "Smoking Gun" footage. Distances between shooter and the CNN camera - and between the shooter and the target are in lime green.
Note: The distances from NADEEM TO SHOOTER and from SHOOTER to CAMERA below have both been corrected from a previous version of this post and reflect my most accurate estimates at this time (July 7, 2014).
Some may wonder why this data is important. I believe there is a wealth of information that can be discovered from a close examination of the still photo, audio and video data that are published online. One obvious value of this data is to compare it with what TV announcers and public officials claim to be the truth in their statements. My next post will use this data to expose possible CNN purposeful deception of the public.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Post 2 of The Nakba Day Killings: Who Didn't Fire the Shot That Killed Nadeem Nawarah?
Note: If you haven't done so yet I recommend reading the posts in this series starting with Post 1. You can find all the posts in reverse order below this one on the page. You can also find each post in the series in the archives at right. The first post provides the basic intro information on the Nakba Day killings of May 15, 2014. This includes a set of notated maps that gives a sense of where this happened and what you'd see around you if you actually were there on that day. It also shows you a way to view videos frame by frame. If you are drawn to be a blog detective this will be a valuable tool and much of the evidence I'll introduce in this series of posts will require frame by frame analysis - especially if you'd like to check my conclusions for yourself.
I've added several clips in this post that appear in the RowVid viewer just by clicking the link. It couldn't be easier to view them. This viewer allows playback at several different speeds and allows you to single step frames. This is very helpful if you want to see what actually happened for yourself. The few simple controls are obvious. Just clicking anywhere in the frame starts and stops the action - or the space bar does the same thing.
Geeky stuff you can ignore: You may notice the frames in the RowVid viewer are .04 seconds apart. That's because there are 25 frames per second in YouTube clips. RowVid allows you to step through each one of them and find it later by the exact time the frame appears in the clip if you need to. Note that I'll identify particular frames using this RowVid frame time which is stated to .01 second resolution. In your comments or email you can do the same to bring attention to something for the blog readers and me or just to me personally via email. So, for example, if saw something visible in frame 22.25. That would be the frame at 22.25 seconds into that clip. The playback start time can vary by a small amount each time you run the RowVid viewer - like where exactly the software thinks the first frame starts - so each time you load a clip the frame time could vary by +/- 1/100 of a second from the last time you viewed it. I think once in hundreds of playbacks I've seen it off by 2/100 of a second. This is not a problem. Just line your viewer up with the frame closest to the one called out and you'll be fine. The rest of the frames in the clip will still be .04 seconds apart.
This post focuses on what happened in the 22 seconds of the CNN Smoking Gun video during which the first two shots recorded that day appear. You may like to follow along with the details of those 22 critical seconds. They reveal what the great majority of people who have been following news reports of the killings do not know about what happened that day. Just open this link in a new tab, drag the progress button to 1:52 mark and click the speed you want (1 means normal speed).
The first to consider is:
1) At the moment of the shot at RowVid frame 113.85 (CNN time = 1m53s)- a smoke plume appears behind the person CNN describes as the shooter - not in front of the muzzle of his rifle.
When I first saw this I knew that the first shot had to come from a rifle closer to the camera and hidden behind that foliage, not from the shooter CNN identified. I find it amazing that CNN never checked this stuff as a matter of course before telling us what we're supposed to be looking at.
I used the brief appearance of the smoke plume in a single frame of the footage (at 113.85) both to identify the frame time of the first shot and to estimate the position of the rifle that I now knew had to be there, behind that foliage.
It looked to me that the only person who could possibly be holding that hidden rifle was the guy whose helmet was the only part of him I could see. There are two other guys in that zone of the image but after closer inspection, they are standing under the grape arbor over 6 meters further back (to the NE) from CNN Shooter. Neither of the two guys to the left of this guy are holding rifles. It's only one frame in the video but you can see the plume clearly if you click the < and > keys to jump between frames 113.81 and 113.85 in the viewer.
Note: Before going further, it's important to understand that the long telephoto lens on the CNN video camera has "foreshortened" the image to make it appear that the men on the veranda are pretty much standing or kneeling right next to each other. In fact, there's 13 meters (almost 43 feet) between the first step up in the wall near the left edge of this screen grab (with the first visible IDF guy standing behind it), and the gate seen behind the CNN Shooter's M16. To shoot at the area in front of the six bay building where Nadeem and Muhammad were shot at, they must point their rifles almost parallel to the wall - with only a 20 degree deflection from it according to the Google map satellite view. I'll draw a diagram of this as soon as I get a chance because many viewers are tricked by the telephoto lens.
If you watch carefully as you click around this key frame and a few to either side of it you may also notice that the objects visually around and in the smoke plume seem to jiggle a bit visually. What you are seeing is distortion from the hot air and smoke that were expelled from the M16 - much like the shimmering heat waves that come off a hot highway in the desert.
2) But wait, there's more. At the moment of the shot - CNN Shooter's rifle is motionless - there is no recoil.
This means pretty conclusively that there was no recoil of CNN Shooter's M16 when we should have seen it. The rifle does not move back against his shoulder and the end of the barrel does not rise. There is some visual distortion as the hot gas from the Real Shooter's muzzle blast crosses the area between the camera and CNN Shooter's barrel. But even that amount of "shake" doesn't perceptively change the pixel distance. That is nothing like what we'd see if CNN Shooter's rifle had been fired at that moment.
To emphasize the importance of this, unlike in the M16 Kick video, there's no perceptible muzzle flash, there's no smoke and there's no heat wave distortion of the background out in front of CNN Shooter's M16. The heat wave alone would immediately distort the image of that vertical pipe which is visually right where the muzzle blast would cross it - even though the pipe is physically a meter or more behind CNN Shooter, nearer the wall in the background.
If the bits of the wad didn't appear in this footage we could not conclude that they did not exist. We'd have to accept that with a different camera angle and maybe a not so steady breeze, they could have drifted out of the camera's view - and so we wouldn't know for sure. But if they did show up, we'd have to accept their appearance at the right time and place as pretty good evidence that a rubber cylinder had just been shot from that M16 at that moment.
5) To settle a final matter of confusion, what about the officer "confiscating" CNN Shooter's M16 after the shot? Doesn't that prove he was doing "something wrong" - like shooting?
I'll admit this one took me a while to figure out. I had to watch that sequence over and over. Finally I saw it. If you look again at the CNN Shooter screen grab above, one more time, you'll see something that I suspect everyone has missed so far. There is a vertical black object that seems to be leaning against the wall section that supports the gate going back to the veranda. It's right under his elbow in the image.
Now step through the frames after the shot. You can see the "officer" walk almost to the gate behind the tallest section of the wall. He then reaches down and grabs the black object and lifts it. Guess what? It's a rifle (probably his own) that he had leaned against that gate earlier. He then picks it up and you can just make out the barrel before the camera starts panning toward the six bay building where the crowd is evacuating Nadeem.
But wait. The CNN Shooter's rifle looks like it is moving too - at the same time as if the officer is about to take it from him. Well, it seems strange that the officer would grab both rifles - one in each hand - and try to lift them at the same time. But there's no way he could even touch both rifles at the same time. The wall is about 20 ft (6 meters) from where CNN Shooter is kneeling - as is seen in the reverse veranda view above. This is a great example of the way our brains fill in the void - making a narrative to fit with what we expect to see, or in this case, what seems the most obvious interpretation.
Rather than walk you through the screen grabs for this sequence, by now you should be pretty good at stepping through the scenes yourself to see what really happened. I'll let you have the fun of running through these frames - to verify that in these final frames before the camera pans away - there can't possibly be an exchange of CNN Shooter's M16 going on here.
I've added several clips in this post that appear in the RowVid viewer just by clicking the link. It couldn't be easier to view them. This viewer allows playback at several different speeds and allows you to single step frames. This is very helpful if you want to see what actually happened for yourself. The few simple controls are obvious. Just clicking anywhere in the frame starts and stops the action - or the space bar does the same thing.
Geeky stuff you can ignore: You may notice the frames in the RowVid viewer are .04 seconds apart. That's because there are 25 frames per second in YouTube clips. RowVid allows you to step through each one of them and find it later by the exact time the frame appears in the clip if you need to. Note that I'll identify particular frames using this RowVid frame time which is stated to .01 second resolution. In your comments or email you can do the same to bring attention to something for the blog readers and me or just to me personally via email. So, for example, if saw something visible in frame 22.25. That would be the frame at 22.25 seconds into that clip. The playback start time can vary by a small amount each time you run the RowVid viewer - like where exactly the software thinks the first frame starts - so each time you load a clip the frame time could vary by +/- 1/100 of a second from the last time you viewed it. I think once in hundreds of playbacks I've seen it off by 2/100 of a second. This is not a problem. Just line your viewer up with the frame closest to the one called out and you'll be fine. The rest of the frames in the clip will still be .04 seconds apart.
This post focuses on what happened in the 22 seconds of the CNN Smoking Gun video during which the first two shots recorded that day appear. You may like to follow along with the details of those 22 critical seconds. They reveal what the great majority of people who have been following news reports of the killings do not know about what happened that day. Just open this link in a new tab, drag the progress button to 1:52 mark and click the speed you want (1 means normal speed).
CNN Smoking Gun footageI've been looking at this footage so long I think I'm going to name it, "Aren't you coming to bed, dear?" But it's been well worth the effort. I've found several items of interest in this footage that reveal some amazing things.
The first to consider is:
1) At the moment of the shot at RowVid frame 113.85 (CNN time = 1m53s)- a smoke plume appears behind the person CNN describes as the shooter - not in front of the muzzle of his rifle.
When I first saw this I knew that the first shot had to come from a rifle closer to the camera and hidden behind that foliage, not from the shooter CNN identified. I find it amazing that CNN never checked this stuff as a matter of course before telling us what we're supposed to be looking at.
I used the brief appearance of the smoke plume in a single frame of the footage (at 113.85) both to identify the frame time of the first shot and to estimate the position of the rifle that I now knew had to be there, behind that foliage.
It looked to me that the only person who could possibly be holding that hidden rifle was the guy whose helmet was the only part of him I could see. There are two other guys in that zone of the image but after closer inspection, they are standing under the grape arbor over 6 meters further back (to the NE) from CNN Shooter. Neither of the two guys to the left of this guy are holding rifles. It's only one frame in the video but you can see the plume clearly if you click the < and > keys to jump between frames 113.81 and 113.85 in the viewer.
Note: Before going further, it's important to understand that the long telephoto lens on the CNN video camera has "foreshortened" the image to make it appear that the men on the veranda are pretty much standing or kneeling right next to each other. In fact, there's 13 meters (almost 43 feet) between the first step up in the wall near the left edge of this screen grab (with the first visible IDF guy standing behind it), and the gate seen behind the CNN Shooter's M16. To shoot at the area in front of the six bay building where Nadeem and Muhammad were shot at, they must point their rifles almost parallel to the wall - with only a 20 degree deflection from it according to the Google map satellite view. I'll draw a diagram of this as soon as I get a chance because many viewers are tricked by the telephoto lens.
If you watch carefully as you click around this key frame and a few to either side of it you may also notice that the objects visually around and in the smoke plume seem to jiggle a bit visually. What you are seeing is distortion from the hot air and smoke that were expelled from the M16 - much like the shimmering heat waves that come off a hot highway in the desert.
This may seem like small thing, but it's possibly the most important evidence available to positively identify the real shooter. It's physically impossible for CNN Shooter's rifle to cause the smoke and image distortions that we see behind him in the 4 or 5 frames just after the shot- while his M16 is pointed in the opposite direction - out to his front. If the CNN Shooter had fired the shot - we'd see the flash or smoke out in front of his barrel in that frame. Even if for some reason the flash and smoke were hard to see because of the light background, there's still the unexplained absence of the distortions in the image of the vertical pipe, visually just to the right of his muzzle. I believe this absence of image distortion out in front of his muzzle, especially in any of the 2 or 3 frames right after the shot, proves beyond any doubt that CNN shooter's M16 was not discharged at the moment of that shot.
Just in case more proof is needed . .
Just in case more proof is needed . .
2) But wait, there's more. At the moment of the shot - CNN Shooter's rifle is motionless - there is no recoil.
Should there be some kick when an M16 is fired? I've managed to find several video clips of M16's being fired with rubber bullets and other cartridge loads such as tear gas cylinders and standard NATO rounds. They all kick the rifle back into the soldier's shoulder, as anyone who has ever fired a military rifle would expect.
The M16 rubber cylinder kick seems to average about 3 cm (a bit more than an inch) of movement of the rifle - both of the butt back into the shoulder and of the barrel tip rising about that same distance. But sometimes the kick can be much larger - up to 6 to 10 cm depending on how firmly the shooter holds the butt of the rifle against his shoulder and how firmly he grips it. For a shot where the rifle butt is solidly contacting the shoulder and is aimed through the sights - meaning the side of his cheek or chin is also contacting the stock - this seems to cause the shoulder to kick back about .08 seconds (two frames) after the shot and then there's sometimes motion of the head forward and down about .04 seconds (one frame) after that. The head motion is not as consistent as the shoulder kick which always appears. The head motion can be absent altogether
To see an example, here's another Magav rifleman from this same team firing a rubber cylinder. In this case the recoil is clearly seen.
To see an example, here's another Magav rifleman from this same team firing a rubber cylinder. In this case the recoil is clearly seen.
First, some things to notice in the screen grab above . .
- The red painted magazine base. In the Magav that means "this mag is for blanks only".
- The rubber bullet adapter (the last several cm of the barrel starting at the enlarged part).
- Some small yellow bits drift across the frame in the breeze immediately after the shot.
- I'm no expert on firing military assault rifles although I did shoot an AR15 once which is the civilian version of the M16, but I'd say this guy knows what he's doing.
RowVid clip of rifleman above
Notice these things . .
- The muzzle flash, smoke in the air and the rifle kick at about 41 sec .
- The bits of yellowish paper drifting away as the smoke clears at about 42 sec. These are remnants of the paper wad that keeps the powder from falling out through the crimps at the end of the "blank" cartridges. The IDF use these blanks (just powder and the paper wads get shot out) to propel the rubber cylinder. Blanks have no slug - unlike the very lethal NATO 5.56 mm rounds that are usually fired from an M16 rifle - that do have slugs but no wads.
3) Now, Back to the CNN Smoking Gun Footage
If you watch carefully (below) the area where CNN Shooter's rifle barrel crosses the vertical post - while stepping through the "shot" frame (113.85) you will see that the very short distance in pixels from the post to where the rubber bullet adapter is mounted - stays the same through those frames (from a few frames before to a few frames after the shot). After the shot the image shakes a bit from the heat blast distortion (from the real shooter's rifle just to the left of this image) but that very short pixel distance stays almost exactly the same throughout those frames.
This means pretty conclusively that there was no recoil of CNN Shooter's M16 when we should have seen it. The rifle does not move back against his shoulder and the end of the barrel does not rise. There is some visual distortion as the hot gas from the Real Shooter's muzzle blast crosses the area between the camera and CNN Shooter's barrel. But even that amount of "shake" doesn't perceptively change the pixel distance. That is nothing like what we'd see if CNN Shooter's rifle had been fired at that moment.

Recap so far:
The CNN Shooter's rifle is not pointed in the direction where Nadeem was hit. The CNN Shooter's rifle shows no kick, no muzzle blast, no smoke, no visual distortion of items behind the heat wave - which should appear in front of his muzzle but do not.
However, there is smoke and a heat wave above the suspected muzzle location of the Magav soldier I designate as "Real Shooter".
To seal the deal, just a couple of seconds after the shot, Real Shooter can be seen standing up - bringing his previously suspected but not yet seen M16 into full view - ejecting the spent cartridge and loading the next one into the chamber. How much more proof do we need?
Added 11/26/2014, Important: To make this clearer, the M16 rifle is designed so that a live 5.56 NATO round is capable of cycling the ammunition. It uses part of the energy of the exploding powder to automatically eject the spent brass shell and inject the next live round from the magazine into the chamber. Military M16s can therefore selectively fire in either automatic or single shot modes - in both cases without the shooter having to manually clear the chamber or recharge it. This allows a higher rate of fire and allows the shooter to keep his or her eyes looking down the sights at the target.
The blank ammo that the IDF uses to shoot rubber cylinders has a low energy powder load to minimize injuries and so does not have the energy to cycle the ammo. The shooter must do it manually. The video clearly shows "Real Shooter" standing up and manually recharging his weapon. This would only be necessary if he had fired a blank cartridge.
Added 11/26/2014, Important: To make this clearer, the M16 rifle is designed so that a live 5.56 NATO round is capable of cycling the ammunition. It uses part of the energy of the exploding powder to automatically eject the spent brass shell and inject the next live round from the magazine into the chamber. Military M16s can therefore selectively fire in either automatic or single shot modes - in both cases without the shooter having to manually clear the chamber or recharge it. This allows a higher rate of fire and allows the shooter to keep his or her eyes looking down the sights at the target.
The blank ammo that the IDF uses to shoot rubber cylinders has a low energy powder load to minimize injuries and so does not have the energy to cycle the ammo. The shooter must do it manually. The video clearly shows "Real Shooter" standing up and manually recharging his weapon. This would only be necessary if he had fired a blank cartridge.
So now we know, conclusively I'd say, who fired the shot that is timed with Nadeem's fall - the first shot heard in the CNN Smoking Gun footage. But the question remains as to what type of ammo he was using. Remember, CNN said in this footage Nadeem was killed by "live" rounds. And Palestinian hospital officials specifically said that Nadeem was killed by an Israeli bullet that entered his chest and exited his back. Nadeem's Dad showed us the slug taken from his dead son's back pack, where it had supposedly lodged.
However, there's a problem with this narrative. You may have also noticed when examining the CNN footage, that . .
However, there's a problem with this narrative. You may have also noticed when examining the CNN footage, that . .
4) Bits of the yellowish paper - same as seen in the M16 Kick Video above - drifted across the screen in the CNN Smoking Gun footage immediately after the shot.
The first bit entered the screen just 1.47 seconds after the shot that supposedly killed Nadeem Nuwarah. It appeared at frame 115.32. The last bit of wad had cleared the screen by frame 115.72 - 1.87 seconds after the shot.
Because of the confusing background and shadow of the wall and grape arbor, these bits of yellowish paper are not easy to spot. They can easily be seen at 1/4 speed, however, and especially if you enlarge the image a bit on your screen.
The first bits of paper appear for me at frame 115.32 along the right hand edge of the frame, half way between the top and bottom (in the full size image). In subsequent frames the bit(s) drift up and to the left. Remember that the camera is shooting up from the street level and so is several meters below where the shot was fired. The breeze is moderate to the SE which is parallel to the veranda wall and to the left in the CNN footage. And that's the way all the bits drift - right after each of the first two shots in the footage.
The mustachioed shooter in the M16 Kick Video seems to be at a different place along the same veranda wall but if Kick Guy's rifle is pointed in the same general direction as Real Shooter's, and if the wind direction and velocity with respect to the camera is anything like Real Shooter's - and that seems possible - then, if Real Shooter had fired a rubber bullet, I'd possibly expect to see some yellow paper wad bits drift back in front of the camera within a second or two after the shot - as "Kick Guy's" footage did.
The first bits of paper appear for me at frame 115.32 along the right hand edge of the frame, half way between the top and bottom (in the full size image). In subsequent frames the bit(s) drift up and to the left. Remember that the camera is shooting up from the street level and so is several meters below where the shot was fired. The breeze is moderate to the SE which is parallel to the veranda wall and to the left in the CNN footage. And that's the way all the bits drift - right after each of the first two shots in the footage.
The mustachioed shooter in the M16 Kick Video seems to be at a different place along the same veranda wall but if Kick Guy's rifle is pointed in the same general direction as Real Shooter's, and if the wind direction and velocity with respect to the camera is anything like Real Shooter's - and that seems possible - then, if Real Shooter had fired a rubber bullet, I'd possibly expect to see some yellow paper wad bits drift back in front of the camera within a second or two after the shot - as "Kick Guy's" footage did.
If the bits of the wad didn't appear in this footage we could not conclude that they did not exist. We'd have to accept that with a different camera angle and maybe a not so steady breeze, they could have drifted out of the camera's view - and so we wouldn't know for sure. But if they did show up, we'd have to accept their appearance at the right time and place as pretty good evidence that a rubber cylinder had just been shot from that M16 at that moment.
In fact, they do show up clearly in the CNN Smoking Gun footage.
The shot fired - the shot that CNN claims is the shot that killed Nadeem Nawarah with a "live" round - therefore had to be a blank cartridge propelling a rubber cylinder. Remember, rubber cylinders can only be shot with a blank cartridge. And IDF blank cartridges used to shoot rubber cylinders always have paper wads.
IDF vets say so and paper wads are visible in almost every rubber cylinder shot caught on video - and there are lots of those. NATO 5.56 mm rounds never have wads. I have never seen video of any M16 shooting NATO 5.56 rounds produce a wad - and there are thousands of those of those available to check. And of course there's no reason for live rounds to have wads because the slug is tightly crimped within the brass casing which keeps the powder in the cartridge and seals it from moisture.
This leads to the almost inescapable conclusion that the first shot recorded in the CNN Smoking Gun footage was fired at Nadeem by Real Shooter and had to be a rubber cylinder.
IDF vets say so and paper wads are visible in almost every rubber cylinder shot caught on video - and there are lots of those. NATO 5.56 mm rounds never have wads. I have never seen video of any M16 shooting NATO 5.56 rounds produce a wad - and there are thousands of those of those available to check. And of course there's no reason for live rounds to have wads because the slug is tightly crimped within the brass casing which keeps the powder in the cartridge and seals it from moisture.
This leads to the almost inescapable conclusion that the first shot recorded in the CNN Smoking Gun footage was fired at Nadeem by Real Shooter and had to be a rubber cylinder.
5) To settle a final matter of confusion, what about the officer "confiscating" CNN Shooter's M16 after the shot? Doesn't that prove he was doing "something wrong" - like shooting?
I'll admit this one took me a while to figure out. I had to watch that sequence over and over. Finally I saw it. If you look again at the CNN Shooter screen grab above, one more time, you'll see something that I suspect everyone has missed so far. There is a vertical black object that seems to be leaning against the wall section that supports the gate going back to the veranda. It's right under his elbow in the image.
Now step through the frames after the shot. You can see the "officer" walk almost to the gate behind the tallest section of the wall. He then reaches down and grabs the black object and lifts it. Guess what? It's a rifle (probably his own) that he had leaned against that gate earlier. He then picks it up and you can just make out the barrel before the camera starts panning toward the six bay building where the crowd is evacuating Nadeem.
But wait. The CNN Shooter's rifle looks like it is moving too - at the same time as if the officer is about to take it from him. Well, it seems strange that the officer would grab both rifles - one in each hand - and try to lift them at the same time. But there's no way he could even touch both rifles at the same time. The wall is about 20 ft (6 meters) from where CNN Shooter is kneeling - as is seen in the reverse veranda view above. This is a great example of the way our brains fill in the void - making a narrative to fit with what we expect to see, or in this case, what seems the most obvious interpretation.
Rather than walk you through the screen grabs for this sequence, by now you should be pretty good at stepping through the scenes yourself to see what really happened. I'll let you have the fun of running through these frames - to verify that in these final frames before the camera pans away - there can't possibly be an exchange of CNN Shooter's M16 going on here.
To summarize, I believe in this post we have now firmly established, beyond any reasonable doubt, that . .
- The first shot from the veranda in the CNN Smoking Gun footage - the shot that is synchronized with the fall of Nadeem Nawarah in the street below - was not fired by "CNN Shooter". It was fired by the third guy from the left - "Real Shooter".
- Because of the paper wads that appear about 1.5 seconds after the shot - he shot a rubber cylinder propelled by a blank cartridge from his M16 fitted with a rubber bullet adapter.
Remote But Possible Exceptions to the Theory Laid Out Above: Of course, it's remotely possible he was shooting just a blank with no rubber cylinder, like maybe to scare the rioters with the noise - which seems silly. But, even if he had done that, which is extremely unlikely, then the critical fact remains - if bits of the paper wad appeared shortly after the shot - there is no way he could have shot a 5.56 NATO round. And those paper bits do appear after this shot.
And, I guess if the Magav had plotted to kill some Palestinian kids that day and get away with it - they could have had someone running around on the veranda that day with a pocket full of little bits of yellow paper - to be thrown into the breeze just upwind of every shot taken - or at least after each lethal NATO round. That's seems equally as absurd as shooting blanks with no rubber cylinder. But if anyone can find any evidence of this or any other explanation for the appearance of those wads in the footage at just the right time and at just the right place, please let me know.
And, I guess if the Magav had plotted to kill some Palestinian kids that day and get away with it - they could have had someone running around on the veranda that day with a pocket full of little bits of yellow paper - to be thrown into the breeze just upwind of every shot taken - or at least after each lethal NATO round. That's seems equally as absurd as shooting blanks with no rubber cylinder. But if anyone can find any evidence of this or any other explanation for the appearance of those wads in the footage at just the right time and at just the right place, please let me know.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Post 1 of The Nakba Day Killings: Just Another Day to Hate your Neighbor
Last week I realized I needed a place to park the screenshots, diagrams, video clips and blog posts that I was accumulating while making comments with several other blograts at the Elder of Zion (EoZ) blog. EoZ has long been my favorite web destination for keeping track of what goes on in the greater Arab Israeli conflict. I usually stop by there several times a day out of habit when I'm near a connected device.
The hot topic at EoZ was a new "al Dura" - another Pallywood production in the making. This time the Palestinians with the help of Western media were accusing the Israeli Border Police (Magav) of murdering two demonstrators at this year's Nakba Day demonstrations on May 15, 2014. The BP were reported to have shot to death two "children" who presented no threat to them at the time.
I didn't expect and I didn't want to find that Israeli forces had done this. The Palestinians have a notorious reputation for lying about almost anything that could make Israel look bad. Western NGO's and media almost always went along with the false stories, even adding their own flavor to the mix, to fit the conventional wisdom of Israel's brutality - a narrative that they had largely helped the Palestinians create. The news stories coming out already smelled fishy but I wanted to check things out for myself . The posts, discussion and wide ranging comments in the EoZ forum were all over this story like a dog on a bone.
Problem was, so many new factoids and angles were busting out every day that I soon had a problem keeping track. Since I had used Google's Blogspot in the past to organize other projects, I picked it for this one too. This page is the current result of my efforts in that direction. I leave it public in case anyone else would like to share some information or compare notes. I'm willing to receive constructive criticism (with which I may or may not agree). I expect to add more posts on this topic as I get time since every day new information is coming in. As I write this (June 6) Israel is conducting an official investigation but has yet to produce the results.
Note: My interest in writing this blog is not to defend Israel or condemn Arabs. It is to understand the truth of events - something that I have found the media in the past several years to be very incompetent at finding and conveying. If you find anything in this blog that you believe to be incorrect - by all means, please leave a comment explaining your views. I know from past experience the Palestinian version of events is usually not too truthful - although in some cases it is. Because of that I need to be especially careful so that my past experience does not bias my judgment. I invite you to test me on that and criticize any of my posts if you have a valid criticism and some evidence to back it up.
The events are focused in Beitunia - a Palestinian town of about 20,000 just to the SW of and bordering Ramallah, the much larger de facto capital of the PA government on the WB. Beitunia's southern edge is effectively the security fence (sometimes called the "apartheid wall") that separates Israel area C to the south from Palestinian areas here. There is a border crossing at the security fence where Israel's highway 436 passes through. Israel's Ofer Prison sits just on the Israeli side of the border here for a km or so, stretched out along the east side of highway 436. These can all be seen in the Google map below which I have set for Earth View:
Driving north on Hwy 436 into the Palestinian controlled area - right after passing the checkpoint, on the right you'll see a large parking lot that Israeli forces apparently use as a staging area and command center during the somewhat regularly occurring demonstrations in Beitunia. As you proceed further up the road you pass some houses built on the steep hillside to the left. A couple of hundred meters from the parking lot you come to an intersection. The road to the left (to the SW) leads up to the multi-story apartment buildings and posh residences on the hill. Most of the events to be discussed will take place on this map.
The events we are most concerned with occur near and around the intersection shown above. The building and shop on the NW corner provide a place where demonstrators can gain some protection from the Israeli rubber bullets usually fired from the south. The demonstrators then run out and fire some rocks from their slings at the Israeli forces along the highway and can then duck back behind the building for cover. There seem to be major demonstrations here a couple of times a year or more.
Below, is an enlarged view of that area around the intersection. Unfortunately, this Google Map is the highest resolution image I can find. Please contact me if you know of a better one. Thanks.
Trivia: The three lines I've added to the map above are all approximate because of the poor Earth Map resolution and inherent distortion. I will use other methods in this series of posts to more firmly establish important locations as needed. Still, I believe these lines do show the general layout pretty well. Google Earth Distortion
From the intersection, the six bay house with the attached shed appears as shown below. The two story structure has six garage bay doors facing NE to the main road (highway 436) street, each tall enough to house a decent sized truck. A shed addition with a sliding door facing SE to the side street has been attached to the SE facing side of the building. It appears with a blue roof in the map above.
Of the two alleged murders that day, that of Nadeem Nawarah was the first. A CNN news crew captured footage that they described as video proof that an Israeli Border Police unit (Magav) had shot and killed two teenage demonstrators in cold blood - that the boys had presented no threat to them at the time. They claimed that their news camera was rolling and had caught the Israeli forces in the act, as the lethal bullets were fired. The location was on the driveway and street in front of the six bay building and shop described above.
For the purpose of this post I'd like to pin down whether Nadeem Nuwarah was shot at from the veranda as CNN claims - and if so, by what kind of projectile. I will address other allegations and inconsistencies in the news media and Palestinian accounts of these events in future posts, as I get time.
Although the CNN news crew made many mistakes in their description of what their cameras had recorded that day surrounding the Nadeem shooting, I doubt they were wrong about who the Israeli soldiers were shooting at. Based on the edited footage they broadcast, the CNN crew had a decent view through their high quality telephoto zoom lenses. They could see the details of both the shooters on the veranda and their targets on the street and parking apron in front of the 6 bay house. I should add that they chose a position for their camera whereby foliage obscured some of the details of both the riflemen behind the short wall on the veranda as well as some areas in front of the six bay building. But I believe the CNN footage, along with other video and still photo evidence I will show you, can be used to firmly establish that Nadeem Nawarah was easily within their sights when the CNN footage recorded the first shot sound at about 1:30 in the afternoon, local time - the time when Nadeem appeared to fall from a shot from the veranda.
To put this question to rest, I believe this screen grab from the CNN footage clearly shows that both Nadeem and Muhammad (the second victim, supposedly shot about 1.5 hrs later) were visible through the rifle sights of the Israeli riflemen on the veranda.
This screen grab from the CNN footage shows the supposed shot (maroon) from the soldier CNN identified as Nadeem's killer. As I will show however, the actual shooter was about 4.5 meters to his right (our left looking up to the veranda). So the actual area that the real shooter could hit (the area to the reader's left of the yellow dashed line) is even further to the right than shown, and well within the clear fire zone for where Nadeem was when he was hit.
Also be aware that Ivan Watson is pointing to the wrong spot. Nadeem actually fell closer to the C in the CNN logo at bottom right. I'll explain this in detail later. (Note that the vehicle shown above was not there at the the time of ether shooting. Watson seems to have done this stand-up later in the day after the demonstration had subsided.)
The Veranda
I use this term to describe the paved area that the Magav team used to observe and sometimes shoot at the Palestinian demonstrators in front and on the side of the Six Bay House. You can see that the team are actually standing on a sloping ramp leading down to the highway. Of the people visible here, Magav personnel have black uniforms like the one Real Shooter was wearing. The IDF photographer guys are wearing a light olive drab uniform like the one CNN designated shooter was wearing. I have drawn a thick line to represent the M16 that a Magav team member had leaned on the gate sometime before the first shot was heard in the CNN footage.
This view seems to have been shot from the roof of the house behind the veranda or possibly from an upstairs room in the house. This view provides a better perspective on the layout and distances between the team members as seen in other views from different viewing angles.
This is just my best guess for the distances between the two shooters and the gate. Let me know if you think I'm off by much.
The CNN "Smoking Gun" Footage
A CNN News crew arrived sometime before 1:30 that afternoon and set up their gear on the far side of the highway - about 50 meters or so south (to the right) of the edge of the image above.This post is about what happened in that CNN Smoking Gun footage. If you'd like to follow along with the minute details that reveal what the great majority of people who have been following news reports of the killings do not know about what happened that day - then open this link below in a new tab. Drag the progress button to 1:52 and click the speed you want (1 means normal speed).
The hot topic at EoZ was a new "al Dura" - another Pallywood production in the making. This time the Palestinians with the help of Western media were accusing the Israeli Border Police (Magav) of murdering two demonstrators at this year's Nakba Day demonstrations on May 15, 2014. The BP were reported to have shot to death two "children" who presented no threat to them at the time.
I didn't expect and I didn't want to find that Israeli forces had done this. The Palestinians have a notorious reputation for lying about almost anything that could make Israel look bad. Western NGO's and media almost always went along with the false stories, even adding their own flavor to the mix, to fit the conventional wisdom of Israel's brutality - a narrative that they had largely helped the Palestinians create. The news stories coming out already smelled fishy but I wanted to check things out for myself . The posts, discussion and wide ranging comments in the EoZ forum were all over this story like a dog on a bone.
Problem was, so many new factoids and angles were busting out every day that I soon had a problem keeping track. Since I had used Google's Blogspot in the past to organize other projects, I picked it for this one too. This page is the current result of my efforts in that direction. I leave it public in case anyone else would like to share some information or compare notes. I'm willing to receive constructive criticism (with which I may or may not agree). I expect to add more posts on this topic as I get time since every day new information is coming in. As I write this (June 6) Israel is conducting an official investigation but has yet to produce the results.
Note: My interest in writing this blog is not to defend Israel or condemn Arabs. It is to understand the truth of events - something that I have found the media in the past several years to be very incompetent at finding and conveying. If you find anything in this blog that you believe to be incorrect - by all means, please leave a comment explaining your views. I know from past experience the Palestinian version of events is usually not too truthful - although in some cases it is. Because of that I need to be especially careful so that my past experience does not bias my judgment. I invite you to test me on that and criticize any of my posts if you have a valid criticism and some evidence to back it up.
The Setting
The events are focused in Beitunia - a Palestinian town of about 20,000 just to the SW of and bordering Ramallah, the much larger de facto capital of the PA government on the WB. Beitunia's southern edge is effectively the security fence (sometimes called the "apartheid wall") that separates Israel area C to the south from Palestinian areas here. There is a border crossing at the security fence where Israel's highway 436 passes through. Israel's Ofer Prison sits just on the Israeli side of the border here for a km or so, stretched out along the east side of highway 436. These can all be seen in the Google map below which I have set for Earth View:
Map 1, Beitunia, 12 km North of Jerusalem (A Link to Live Google Map)
Driving north on Hwy 436 into the Palestinian controlled area - right after passing the checkpoint, on the right you'll see a large parking lot that Israeli forces apparently use as a staging area and command center during the somewhat regularly occurring demonstrations in Beitunia. As you proceed further up the road you pass some houses built on the steep hillside to the left. A couple of hundred meters from the parking lot you come to an intersection. The road to the left (to the SW) leads up to the multi-story apartment buildings and posh residences on the hill. Most of the events to be discussed will take place on this map.
Map 2, Areas of Interest (screengrab)
The events we are most concerned with occur near and around the intersection shown above. The building and shop on the NW corner provide a place where demonstrators can gain some protection from the Israeli rubber bullets usually fired from the south. The demonstrators then run out and fire some rocks from their slings at the Israeli forces along the highway and can then duck back behind the building for cover. There seem to be major demonstrations here a couple of times a year or more.
Below, is an enlarged view of that area around the intersection. Unfortunately, this Google Map is the highest resolution image I can find. Please contact me if you know of a better one. Thanks.
Map 3, Where the Alleged Killings Occurred (screengrab)
Trivia: The three lines I've added to the map above are all approximate because of the poor Earth Map resolution and inherent distortion. I will use other methods in this series of posts to more firmly establish important locations as needed. Still, I believe these lines do show the general layout pretty well. Google Earth Distortion
From the intersection, the six bay house with the attached shed appears as shown below. The two story structure has six garage bay doors facing NE to the main road (highway 436) street, each tall enough to house a decent sized truck. A shed addition with a sliding door facing SE to the side street has been attached to the SE facing side of the building. It appears with a blue roof in the map above.
Photo 1, The Six Bay House and Shop
The Killing of Nadeem Nawarah
Of the two alleged murders that day, that of Nadeem Nawarah was the first. A CNN news crew captured footage that they described as video proof that an Israeli Border Police unit (Magav) had shot and killed two teenage demonstrators in cold blood - that the boys had presented no threat to them at the time. They claimed that their news camera was rolling and had caught the Israeli forces in the act, as the lethal bullets were fired. The location was on the driveway and street in front of the six bay building and shop described above.
For the purpose of this post I'd like to pin down whether Nadeem Nuwarah was shot at from the veranda as CNN claims - and if so, by what kind of projectile. I will address other allegations and inconsistencies in the news media and Palestinian accounts of these events in future posts, as I get time.
Although the CNN news crew made many mistakes in their description of what their cameras had recorded that day surrounding the Nadeem shooting, I doubt they were wrong about who the Israeli soldiers were shooting at. Based on the edited footage they broadcast, the CNN crew had a decent view through their high quality telephoto zoom lenses. They could see the details of both the shooters on the veranda and their targets on the street and parking apron in front of the 6 bay house. I should add that they chose a position for their camera whereby foliage obscured some of the details of both the riflemen behind the short wall on the veranda as well as some areas in front of the six bay building. But I believe the CNN footage, along with other video and still photo evidence I will show you, can be used to firmly establish that Nadeem Nawarah was easily within their sights when the CNN footage recorded the first shot sound at about 1:30 in the afternoon, local time - the time when Nadeem appeared to fall from a shot from the veranda.
To put this question to rest, I believe this screen grab from the CNN footage clearly shows that both Nadeem and Muhammad (the second victim, supposedly shot about 1.5 hrs later) were visible through the rifle sights of the Israeli riflemen on the veranda.
At this moment in the footage (2:36) Watson has just said, "As for the boys, the first one was shot and mortally wounded, right here".
This screen grab from the CNN footage shows the supposed shot (maroon) from the soldier CNN identified as Nadeem's killer. As I will show however, the actual shooter was about 4.5 meters to his right (our left looking up to the veranda). So the actual area that the real shooter could hit (the area to the reader's left of the yellow dashed line) is even further to the right than shown, and well within the clear fire zone for where Nadeem was when he was hit.
Also be aware that Ivan Watson is pointing to the wrong spot. Nadeem actually fell closer to the C in the CNN logo at bottom right. I'll explain this in detail later. (Note that the vehicle shown above was not there at the the time of ether shooting. Watson seems to have done this stand-up later in the day after the demonstration had subsided.)
The Veranda
I use this term to describe the paved area that the Magav team used to observe and sometimes shoot at the Palestinian demonstrators in front and on the side of the Six Bay House. You can see that the team are actually standing on a sloping ramp leading down to the highway. Of the people visible here, Magav personnel have black uniforms like the one Real Shooter was wearing. The IDF photographer guys are wearing a light olive drab uniform like the one CNN designated shooter was wearing. I have drawn a thick line to represent the M16 that a Magav team member had leaned on the gate sometime before the first shot was heard in the CNN footage.
This view seems to have been shot from the roof of the house behind the veranda or possibly from an upstairs room in the house. This view provides a better perspective on the layout and distances between the team members as seen in other views from different viewing angles.
This is just my best guess for the distances between the two shooters and the gate. Let me know if you think I'm off by much.
The CNN "Smoking Gun" Footage
CNN Smoking Gun footage
The whole 4 minutes and 6 seconds is valuable for understanding the alleged shooting of Nadeem and the media role in it. But the critical few seconds start at 1:52 and end 22 seconds later at 1:74. These are the 22 critical seconds during which four separate shots can be clearly heard that appear to come from the veranda shown in the clip. Despite what CNN says, none of the four shots recorded can be seen clearly enough to be conclusively attributed to any particular one of the riflemen shown - at least not without a careful, frame by frame analysis of the data. That's what CNN (and the rest of the media) failed to do - and it's what we'll be doing in this blog series if you wish to follow along and contribute with your comments.
CNN identifies the shooter as the one who's rifle clearly sticks out over the veranda wall. All other news reports I have seen agree with that description. Before getting into the more technical evidence against this claim, there are two problems easily visible in this screen grab that corresponds with the sound of the first shot on the CNN video at 1:53:
So then, who was the shooter? Compare this frame grab of the third rifleman from the left (the first rifleman is past the left edge of the photo) with the CNN shooter photo above. Like the previous frame grab it is the frame timed to the sound of the shot on the footage.
Unfortunately, we can't see this rifleman's barrel (let's call him Real Shooter) because a tree in the foreground is blocking the view. But we can see a possible scope shape in the black area in front of his eyes. Also notice that third man's eyes are lined up with the axis of the possible scope - where they would have to be if he was aiming at something. They are not several cm above the scope like the CNN Shooter at right.
It's important to realize that the narrow angle of the CNN camera to the wall and its telephoto zoom makes the riflemen on the deck appear to be right next to each other. Actually, looking more straight on at the veranda wall from the area where Nadeem fell, you can see that the positions of the two riflemen of interest were actually about four to five meters apart. Note that the screen grab below was taken from a clip recorded the next day by a Palestinian videographer, on the sixteenth.
The third rifleman from left in this photo is eerily standing almost in the same spot that Real Shooter from the CNN footage was kneeling. There was no-one in the CNN shooter position when the video that provided this screen grab was recorded. However, we know CNN Shooter was in this position at the moment of the shot at Nuwarah the day before though, because in the screen grab from the CNN Smoking Gun footage recorded the day before (above) - his right hand which seems to be grasping the M16 magazine - was resting right at the tip of the rightmost arrow - where the wall takes its first step down going south from the tallest wall segment.
Just from these three static images then, all screen grabs from video footage available to anyone with an Internet connection, it appears that CNN is likely wrong about the identity of the shooter. We also now have a possible candidate from the CNN footage that could have been the source of the first shot in the CNN Smoking Gun footage, the one timed with Nadeem's fall. That's because the third rifleman from the left was possibly aiming a rifle at something in Nadeem's direction at the time of the shot
But is he Real Shooter? To go from possible to pretty certain we need to carefully watch the video footage of the 20 seconds of this event at slower frame rates, even frame by frame. Right now we can't even say that he has a rifle in his hands. You can can easily do this for yourself.
The whole 4 minutes and 6 seconds is valuable for understanding the alleged shooting of Nadeem and the media role in it. But the critical few seconds start at 1:52 and end 22 seconds later at 1:74. These are the 22 critical seconds during which four separate shots can be clearly heard that appear to come from the veranda shown in the clip. Despite what CNN says, none of the four shots recorded can be seen clearly enough to be conclusively attributed to any particular one of the riflemen shown - at least not without a careful, frame by frame analysis of the data. That's what CNN (and the rest of the media) failed to do - and it's what we'll be doing in this blog series if you wish to follow along and contribute with your comments.
- At the moment of the shot the CNN identified shooter's head is erect. His aiming eye is several cm above the axis of the scope that's attached to his rifle. Notice that you can just make out his chin strap and his cheek or nose to the right of it. I guess it's possible he could have just fired in the general direction of the rioters in the street below, not really aiming. But if he was planning to shoot at Nadeem, especially if it was a 5.56 mm NATO round that could easily hit a target within a one inch circle at that distance (80 meters) - and especially if he was intending to kill someone - I'd expect this photo would show him aiming carefully through the sights. In fact, he'd have to use the scope to even have a chance to hit Nadeem with a rubber cylinder. In my opinion he's not aiming at anything here.
- Taking in the three dimensional perspective from this camera angle and the fact that the camera is not level on the tripod which tilts the whole image down and to the right, it seems pretty clear that his rifle is actually pointed at or above the horizon. Yet the veranda is elevated at least a dozen meters or more above the street where Nadeem fell - at a horizontal range of about 80 meters. A NATO round shot from an M16 has a muzzle velocity of about 1000 meters per seond which gives it a virtually flat trajectory at that range. To hit someone on the street below would require the rifle to be aimed with a noticeable down angle of the rifle barrel.
Simply based on this static image taken at the exact moment of the shot, I don't believe that the CNN designated shooter could possibly have fired a shot at that moment, no matter what kind of ammo was in the chamber. Instead, the CNN shooter is simply resting his rifle on the veranda wall and surveying the action in the street below - looking over his scope.
Unfortunately, we can't see this rifleman's barrel (let's call him Real Shooter) because a tree in the foreground is blocking the view. But we can see a possible scope shape in the black area in front of his eyes. Also notice that third man's eyes are lined up with the axis of the possible scope - where they would have to be if he was aiming at something. They are not several cm above the scope like the CNN Shooter at right.
It's important to realize that the narrow angle of the CNN camera to the wall and its telephoto zoom makes the riflemen on the deck appear to be right next to each other. Actually, looking more straight on at the veranda wall from the area where Nadeem fell, you can see that the positions of the two riflemen of interest were actually about four to five meters apart. Note that the screen grab below was taken from a clip recorded the next day by a Palestinian videographer, on the sixteenth.
The third rifleman from left in this photo is eerily standing almost in the same spot that Real Shooter from the CNN footage was kneeling. There was no-one in the CNN shooter position when the video that provided this screen grab was recorded. However, we know CNN Shooter was in this position at the moment of the shot at Nuwarah the day before though, because in the screen grab from the CNN Smoking Gun footage recorded the day before (above) - his right hand which seems to be grasping the M16 magazine - was resting right at the tip of the rightmost arrow - where the wall takes its first step down going south from the tallest wall segment.
Just from these three static images then, all screen grabs from video footage available to anyone with an Internet connection, it appears that CNN is likely wrong about the identity of the shooter. We also now have a possible candidate from the CNN footage that could have been the source of the first shot in the CNN Smoking Gun footage, the one timed with Nadeem's fall. That's because the third rifleman from the left was possibly aiming a rifle at something in Nadeem's direction at the time of the shot
But is he Real Shooter? To go from possible to pretty certain we need to carefully watch the video footage of the 20 seconds of this event at slower frame rates, even frame by frame. Right now we can't even say that he has a rifle in his hands. You can can easily do this for yourself.
- Copy this URL to your clipboard:
- Open a new browser tab and open the URL: in the window.
- Paste the URL in your clipboard into the RowVid box that says: ENTER VIDEO URL OR ID
- Drag the button to 1:52 in the clip and click the right arrow to run it.
You can now run single frame forward and back and you can run at various speeds. I suggest you start by running through from before the first shot until after the second shot is heard. You should do this several times and at different speeds including frame by frame. I bet you'll see some interesting things.
In my next post I'll lay out the evidence that Nadeem's shooter was indeed Real Shooter as I have named him - the third rifleman from the left. And I'll prove that the first shot heard in the CNN footage (the Nadeem shot) was a rubber cylinder. It's all in the footage. See what you come up with.
In my next post I'll lay out the evidence that Nadeem's shooter was indeed Real Shooter as I have named him - the third rifleman from the left. And I'll prove that the first shot heard in the CNN footage (the Nadeem shot) was a rubber cylinder. It's all in the footage. See what you come up with.
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